Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Is Sudanization of aid Sudan's solution?

After the ICC put out a warrant for Al-Bashir's arrest, the Sudanese government retaliated by expelling foreign aid workers. This seems counterproductive when many aid agencies are not directly involved with lobbying the countries of their origin. Also, aid agencies provide relief for citizens that the government is failing to provide for.

The idea that aid agencies are somehow a threat to the governement or that by expelling them the international community will see where the power in Sudan lies makes no sense. If the government wants more Sudanese to work with aid agencies then the government should enable more Sudanese to get trained in those skills. If the government wants to implement Sudanese solutions to Sudanese problems, that is okay provided that the Sudanese government is fair to all its citizens and protects the human rights of all. Unfortunately that is not the case.

I fear that expelling aid agencies and alienating the international community will for regions like Darfur (other parts of the country are doing much better as a result of the exploitation of oil) result in humanitarian crisis similar to that in Zimbabwe. Did not Zimbabwe start its downward spiral with similar "pro Zimbabwe" sounding slogans? Where did that leave the country? I am in full support of African solutions to African problems, however I believe that diplomacy with the African Union and the rest of the international community is essential. I also think that learning from countries like Zimbabwe will help save many lives, livelihoods and the current stage of development.

1 comment:

  1. it was a rash decision that made absolutely no impact on anyone other than those suffering the most. very reminiscent of mugabe, indeed. bashir is just digging his country in deeper, really.
